Early Childhood Education plays a vital role in your child’s growth and development. The curriculum offered at Kid’s Academy is Called “Frog Street”. This curriculum emphasizes developing the children’s innate intelligence and skills through fun and interactive learning activities that stimulate their young minds. Teachers will work with each child academically and socially, to reach developmental milestones.
Our child development center offers child-friendly amenities that allow children to learn through play and have fun as they discover new things.

Frog Street Curriculum
Frog Street curriculum supports key learning domains and is aligned with state and national learning standards. Frog Street ignites the minds of young children by fostering their academic, social and emotional growth through purposeful lessons and materials that intentionally produce a positive outcome. For more information on Frog Street Curriculum visit www.frogstreeet.com

Our Learning Programs
Our programs are designed to embrace all facets of your child’s developmental needs, emotional, social, physical, and intellectual. Each classroom has a curriculum they implement as well as planned activities to stimulate growth in all areas. The children’s schedule will be a balance of individual and group learning situations. Teachers will use group time as an opportunity to facilitate specific learning and to foster understanding. At all times, the teachers will seek opportunities to address the individual learning needs of your child and provide a developmental plan that will set goals to challenge your child’s personal growth.

Weekly activities will include:
Dramatic Play
Math & Science
Music & Movement
Fitness & Health
Arts & Crafts
Learning Through Play

Committed to providing the best early education to our students, our child development center offers child-friendly amenities that allow children to play and have fun as they discover new things. We have four spacious age-specific outdoor playgrounds as well as a large playroom which children can use on rainy days.

Rest and Nap Time
At Kid’s Academy, we provide a nap/ rest time from 11:30-2:30.
Napping plays an important role in many things as children learn.
Naps enhance memory and learning.
Naps are linked to better emotional regulation.
Naps support better nighttime sleep.